

In the description of varieties presented here, you will find indications regarding the full-flowering date and the growth-cycle duration.

Regardless of the variety, the full-flowering date (referred to as ‘earliness’) depends on the day length and consequently varies very little, irrespective of the sowing date. So for a given latitude, sowing one week earlier will extend the growing cycle by one week (one additional week of growth equals higher yield potential) and inversely, the cycle of later-flowering seeds can be shortened by a week (one less week of growth means lower yield potential).

The growing-cycle durations indicated correspond to a sowing date on May 10.

Moreover, other criteria are represented on a table following a scale from 1 to 10.

These standards are valid for growing at the Le Mans latitude. When growing at other latitudes, the varieties are classified identically, but the yield parameters will change (straw production potential, fibre production potential and seed production potential).

In Italy, for example, Futura 75 has a better straw production than Fedora 17, but their straw production potentials are both inferior to what they can potentially produce at the Le Mans latitude.

straw production potential (1: very weak yield – 10: very high yield)

fibre production potential (1: very weak yield – 10: very high yield)

fibre content (1: low fibre content – 10: very high fibre content)

seed production potential (1: very weak yield – 10: very high yield)

earliness (very early-flowering variety – 10: very late-flowering variety)

TKW (thousand kernel weight) (1: very small seeds – 10: very large seeds)

THC level (1: no THC – 10: 0.2% THC)

CBD level (1: no CBD – 10: very rich in CBD)

lodging sensitive (1: no lodging – 10: very sensitive to lodging)

broomrape sensitive (1: no broomrape – 10: very sensitive to broomrape)

Technical specifications :

Straw production potential0%

Seed production potential0%

Fibre production potential0%

Fibre content0%



THC level0%

CBD level0%

Lodging sensitive0%

Broomrape sensitive0%

When growing at other latitudes, the varieties are classified identically, but the production potentials (straw, seed, fibre) and the growing times vary, while the other criteria remain unchanged.

In Italy, for example, Futura 75 has a better straw production than Fedora 17, but their straw production potentials are both inferior to what they can potentially produce at the Le Mans latitude.

The seed quality being sold is also presented: the average germination capacity of each variety for all the batches sold in 2019 is indicated. The ISTA seed certification standard requires at least a 75% germination rate, and batches below this percentage cannot be certified. Lastly, a calendar will remind you of the main stages in the growing cycles at latitudes equal to that of Le Mans, using the following key:

Additional information on seed composition is provided for seed and seed/mixed-oriented varieties. These data are expressed in ratios (g / 100 g of unaltered material).

You will find information on the oil and protein content in the seeds, and details on the quality of oil presented in percentages of Omega 3 (α-linolenic acid) and Omega 6 (linoleic acid and γ-linolenic acid) content.

For example, Uso 31 hemp seeds contain 23.8% proteins and 31.3% oil, and this oil is comprised of Omega 3 at 15.7% and Omega 6 at 57.7%. The remaining 26.6% come from other fatty acids.

Oil content :


Omega 3 content :


Omega 6 content :


Protein content :


All of these data were measured using reference methods.